About DMIT

The Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) Critically assesses the inherent acumen and aptitude of the individual and attempts to map the different creative and cognitive processes within the brain. While most other tests offer, at best, only a static result of a given performance at any time the dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) continually maps the development and growth of talent along an educational gradient.

What it factors in within its scope is not just the potential and scope for an existing skill set to improve within a person, but also the possibilities for an individual to acquire a new skill set or talent. So, while an IQ test for a child is restricted to only cognitive reasoning (for example, how good or bad he might be in mathematics at one given standard), the Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) showcases multiple facets and applications of memory-based learning, reasoning, decision-making and even creativity. The Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on Dr Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, which offers a solid, scientific explanation to the benefits of differential, application-oriented learning.

In real-world academics, dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) helps individuals augment their already-exiting skill sets and make for an enhanced learning experience. For example, if a learner has problems with mathematical formulas, Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence Test (DMIT) could suggest different learning modules based on his/her existing talent and natural skill set.

Benefits Of Test for children
Benefits Of Test for Students
Benefits Of Test for Adults
Benefits Of Test For Pregnant Women
Benefits Of Test For corporates
Benefits Of Test for Teenagers

Students facing Study problem. Brain Analysis Test integrate more extreme pruning as the mind begins to concentrate and build a good identity. Discovering best learning styles at this young age can better improve on IQ, EQ, CQ AQ and SQ. It also is a guideline about what type of classes one will take. This may be the stage where one can decide with regards to your careers.


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